They are the commitee of Tanjungpura's Scoutmentship Camp 2014. TSC'14 is an activity of scout which the participants are the students of senior high scholl in west kalimantan region (rover and ranger scout). TSC'14 started from May 22nd-May 28th 2014 at Gor Untan. The participants came from Sekadau, Pontianak, Sintang, Kubu Raya, Singkawang, Sanggau and Ketapang. For the boys' scout activity that called ABP (Adventure of Baden Powell) there were 5 competitions : LTUP, camp standar, LCT, accoustic of traditional music and ABP'S exploration. For the girls' scout activity (GGC,Girl Guide Camp) there were 5 competitions too, such as LTUP, LCT, camp standar, cubits work and GGC's exploration.
In this activity, they foughtfor the cup from our governoor and a cup from governoor's wife (ABP dan GGC). The champion (for the boys) were from senior high school of Mujahidin Pontianak, and for the girls were from MTS.N 2 Pontianak .
It was an amazing activity for me, because i included of this activity. I'm so proud be a member of scout.
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