
What Is ICT Education and Why Is It Important ?

What Is ICT Education and Why Is It Important ?
Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) education is basically our society’s efforts to teach its current and emerging citizens valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communications devices, software that operates them, applications that run on them and systems that are built with them.

What are these things? How do they work? How do you use them productively? How are they deployed, assembled, managed and maintained to create productive systems? How they are used in specific business and industry settings? What are the underlying science and technologies behind them and how might those be developed to advance ICT fields?

ICT is complex and quickly changing, and it is confusing for many people. It is so pervasive in the modern world that everyone has some understanding of it, but those understandings are often wildly divergent.

There are many important dimensions to ICT education, including:

Some views of Sekadau

These are some pictures of Sekadau. The first one is a view of the center of Sekadau city. That is PKK Monument, that monument is located between Merdeka Barat street, Merdeka Timur street, Merdeka Selatan street and Merdeka Utara street. That picture is taken from the upstairs of Kalbar Bank. In the evening, there are many people who enjoyed and took some pictures at there.

The second one is the view of Sekadau icon "Lawang Kuari". Its located in Teribang village, about 2km from the port. We can go there through water carriage. Do you believe on myth ? Based on some people statements who lives around that area, if we want to go there, we have to pay attention of the myth. Such as, you can't say "bad" words, you should not to take anything from this area. If you broke the advice, you will get sick, or you will get bad things after you visited that place. Would you go there ?

The definiton of ICT

This video is telling us about the definition about ICT
In usual, ICT is stand for Information, Communications and Technology. ICT in education is deal with the use of information and communication technologies within educational technologies. These technologies include computers, the internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television) and telephony.
Do you know what is telephony ? if you do not, let’s see the video and enjoy it 

What is ICT ?

The History of Sekadau Kingdom

Nama Resmi
Kabupaten Sekadau
Kalimantan Barat
Batas Wilayah
Utara: Kabupaten Sintang
Selatan: Kabupaten Ketapang
Barat: Kabupaten Sanggau
Timur: Kabupaten Sintang
Luas Wilayah
5.444,20 Km²
Jumlah Penduduk
203.748 Jiwa 
Wilayah Administrasi

Kecamatan: 7, Kelurahan:-, Desa:76

(Permendagri No.66 Tahun 2011)
The history
The name of Sekadau taken from  a kind of tree which  grew up in estuary of Sekadau river.  The local citizens named it Batang Adau.
Initially Sekadau citizens  are  fraction of  Dara Nante which Singa Patih Bardat and Patih Bangi were the leader. They continued the trip to the headwaters of Sekadau river. The group of Singa Patih Bardat lowered the Kematu, Benawas, Sekadau and Melawang, and group of Patih Bangi were the ancestor  of  Dayak Melawang which lowered the Kings of Sekadau.
At the first time, Sekadau kingdom was in Kematu region, approximately  3 kilometers beside Rawak region. The first king of Sekadau was  Prince Engkong who had three sons, they were prince Agong, Prince Kadar and prince Senarong.
After  prince  Engkong died, the kingdom was continued by Prince Kadar, because he was more wise than the other sons. Felt so upset, Prince Agong left  Sekadau to the Lawang Kuari region. Then Prince Senarong lowered the king of  Belitang kingdom.
After Prince Kadar died, the government held by Prince Suma. Prince  Suma had been sent by his parents to learned religion at Mempawah Kingdom, therefore in his government Islam grew rapidly in Sekadau Kingdom. Then the royal capital be transferred to Sungai Bara village and a kingdom mosque kerajaan had built at there. In this era, Holland came to Sekadau.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT

Actually, ICT gives us some advantages in teaching learning process, such as we can do our assingments through e-mail, we can search materials of our study on the internet and many more. But, in the other hand, ICT brings some bad effects or disadvantages for us. Here the list of Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT.

Advantages of Students Using ICT for Learning
As was pointed out previously, the Internet provides students with the tools they need to discover and own knowledge. And give students the hooks and templates they need to fasten information to the long-term memory. There are some advantages of student using ICT for learning :
1. Motivating Factor.
The Internet can act as a motivating tool for many students. Young people are very captivated with technology. Educators must capitalize on this interest, excitement, and enthusiasm about the Internet for the purpose of enhancing learning. For already enthusiastic learners, the Internet allows you to provide them with additional learning activities not readily available in the classroom.
2. Fast Communication.
The Internet promotes fast communication across geographical barriers. Your students can join collaborative projects that involve students from different states, countries or continents. This type of learning experience was not possible before the Internet. This is a unique learning experience very essential for each of our students, as the world is becoming one big community.

They are the commitee of Tanjungpura's Scoutmentship Camp 2014. TSC'14 is an activity of scout which the participants are the students of senior high scholl in west kalimantan region (rover and ranger scout). TSC'14 started from May 22nd-May 28th 2014 at Gor Untan. The participants came from Sekadau, Pontianak, Sintang, Kubu Raya, Singkawang, Sanggau and Ketapang. For the boys' scout activity that called ABP (Adventure of Baden Powell) there were 5 competitions : LTUP, camp standar, LCT, accoustic of traditional music and ABP'S exploration. For the girls' scout activity (GGC,Girl Guide Camp) there were 5 competitions too, such as LTUP, LCT, camp standar, cubits work and GGC's exploration.
In this activity, they foughtfor the cup from our governoor and a cup from governoor's wife (ABP dan GGC). The champion (for the boys) were from senior high school of Mujahidin Pontianak, and for the girls were from MTS.N 2 Pontianak .
It was an amazing activity for me, because i included of this activity. I'm so proud be a member of scout.

ICT in Education

Published on May 3, 2013
This gives a brief explanation of the various reason behind having ICT integrated into the education system. Life runs on technology, this is 21st Century after all!
Next time when your parents ask you the question, why do you have to be on the www 24/7? Do show them this video please. However, please do not misuse technology

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